Care Show Birmingham 2023 round-up
Mark Topps shares his experience of the 2023 Care Show Birmingham, where he also joined Log my Care's CEO, Sam Hussain, for a panel discussion on CQC changes.
Mark Topps shares his experience of the 2023 Care Show Birmingham, where he also joined Log my Care's CEO, Sam Hussain, for a panel discussion on CQC changes.
What a fantastic couple of days at the Care Show Birmingham last week! The drive home gave me time to reflect and digest, so in case you missed it – here's some of what went down in terms of interesting topics of conversation.
I sadly missed the grand opening of the show doors this year, although it was great to see so many people queuing when I got there.
The first discussion I hosted was on artificial intelligence in social care, which was a fascinating conversation. I love AI and how it can support and enhance our lives, but it was great to hear from experts about the considerations to take when it comes to HR, cyber security, laws and guidance. It was also good to hear about how AI is being used to upskill and train staff, aid conversations and bridge the gaps in the sector.
I then joined Sam Hussain, founder and CEO of Log my Care, alongside my co-host of The Caring View, Adam Purnell, for a panel discussion. We discussed the changes happening with the CQC, how these changes will impact care providers, what we can do to get ready, and how to stay up to date with further changes and notifications. Remember, Log my Care have a whole suite of resources to support you – including CQC guidance around key changes and staying compliant.
I managed to steal some time to myself to walk around some of the show and, of course, collecting some free merchandise! My collection at the end of day one consisted of a new bottle, notepads, a cuddly plush dog and pens – everyone loves a pen!
The rest of day one was spent hosting a range of panel discussions on conversations we need to be having more of in the sector, including intimacy in ageing, what social care strikes could look like, and paper vs digital care records. It was great to host such engaging conversations with the audience, hearing other peoples’ views and being able to impart some words of wisdom.
I ended the day with dinner and catching up with new and old faces, which is one part of the Care Show I do love each year. The show is always so busy but being able to network and truly unwind – and hear how people are doing and the projects they are working on – is great.
I won't lie, I had a lay in bed on day two! I set the alarm for 7am, but my body had other plans! Skipping breakfast and heading straight to the show, it was great to listen to an insightful conversation from Eden Alternative about their offering and how it benefits teams. I also attended another talk on the Care Register in England and how this aims to enhance the professionalism within England’s care sector.
A quick bite to eat at Apetito and then I headed back to host a panel discussion on Succession Planning, the importance of this being embedded into our teams and why we need to also be thinking about our own futures. It was great to hear examples of how people have supported others in their roles, but a shame to see that not many of us have those conversations for ourselves or think about next steps in our careers.
My next session was hosting a conversation between the CQC and Digitising Social Care, building on from my initial conversations with them. It was great to continue bringing the questions to the forefront of the minds of Registered Managers and providers to the regulator and team behind digital social care and getting these answered. Despite my role as a Regional Manager, I always remember the challenges I faced as a Registered Manager and strive daily to support people in those roles now. I truly felt this conversation did just that and it was lovely to hear the positive feedback.
Speaking of supporting managers, I joined a session hosted by Jonathan Cunningham about life after being a Registered Manager. It was great to hear some of the stories from others on the panel and in audience and being able to impart some of my journey in social care to others.
I then ended my day with hosting a session on Financial Wellbeing. It was great to be joined by a financial planner and colleagues from HSBC who shared so many insights into how we can better budget and plan for the short, medium and long term.
It really was a great two days, and I’m already looking forward to the next ones. Hopefully see you at some of the upcoming events below!
Care Forum: 6th/7th November 2023 – Manchester, Radisson Blu Hotel
UK Care Week: 20th/21st March 2024 – Birmingham, NEC
Care Show London: 24th/25th April 2024 – London, ExCel
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