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Skills for Care Series: Transform
Mark Topps explores the "Transform" element of the Skills for Care Workforce Strategy, with actionable steps for social care providers to enhance services and prepare for future needs.

Skills for Care Workforce Strategy: Train
Discover Part two of our series with Mark Topps on the Skills for Care Workforce Strategy. Learn key insights around 'Train' as Mark unpacks this strand, empowering you to level-up your team training.

Skills for Care Workforce Strategy: Attract and Retain
Discover Part 1 of our series with Mark Topps on the Skills for Care Workforce Strategy. Learn key insights into 'Attract and Retain' as Mark unpacks this strand, empowering you to improve your recruitment and retention.

How to effectively track and manage behaviour decline in service users
Mark Topps shares how to track and manage behaviour and cognitive decline in service users, with tips on tackling funding challenges and seeking extra support.
Staff retention in social care: 10 tips to improve employee turnover
Mark Topps shares 10 tips to improving staff retention in social care, and how they can increase employee engagement to reduce turnover rates in a care service.
7 tips to support staff effectively in health and social care
Mark Topps discusses 7 tips on how to support staff effectively in health and social care, with employee retention and well-being in mind.

How to manage service users with challenging behaviour
Mark Topps discusses how to deal with challenging behaviour in adult social care settings, and shares 10 tips to managing service users and their relatives.

How to make the most of having volunteers in social care
Mark Topps discusses the role and impact of having volunteers in social care, following the government's plan to extend the NHS Volunteer Responders Programme.

Promoting diversity and inclusion in social care
Mark Topps discusses the importance of diversity and inclusion in social care, and how to successfully promote it in the workplace.

Carers Week: Understanding the role of unpaid carers in society
To spotlight those caring for society's most vulnerable without pay, social care expert Mark Topps discusses the impact of unpaid caring and ways to offer support.

6 approaches to driving cultural change
Mark Topps recommends six approaches to tackle cultural change to improve employee engagement, increase productivity, and create a better work environment.

Vocation vs. job: Does a career in care have to be your calling?
Mark Topps discusses the pros and cons of having 'just a job' rather than a vocation in the care industry, and the difference between them both.
Creating an excellent induction experience for Registered Managers
Mark Topps shares his top tips on creating an excellent plan induction plan for Registered Managers, and ways to continue developing post-induction.
Why learning is the real goal of goal setting
Mark Topps reflects on the best benefits of goal setting, and how it can improve outcomes for the people you support, your teams and for yourself.

How to create a Goal Setting strategy
Mark Topps shares his top tips for creating an effective goal setting strategy without losing motivation.

How to effectively onboard new staff in your care service
Mark Topps explores some of the key steps for successfully onboarding new staff in your care service.

Why carers are leaving the sector
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) carried out a snap poll of providers late last year to gauge current views on workforce challenges.

The impact of staff training in social care
Explore the vital role of training and monitoring in ensuring service compliance and staff retention.

Motivating and empowering your team
Workforce has the biggest impact on whether your services survive and thrive. Mark Topps reflects on how to motivate and empower teams.

Leadership skills needed in social care in 2023
In this blog, Mark Topps takes a deep dive into leadership. What makes you a leader and what skills do leaders need in 2023?

Is flexible working possible in social care?
Mark Topps explores flexible working in social care. Is it possible and if not, what needs to change to make it a reality?

Surviving and thriving during a recruitment crisis
Mark Topps looks at the current recruitment trends and how we can survive and thrive despite the challenges in the employment market.

How to switch off after work
In a recent survey by Buffer, 30% of people found switching off after work incredibly difficult. The inability to switch off can lead to burnout, which is a growing issue in the care sector. In this week’s blog, I look at some tips to help you switch off after work.

Improving teamwork and morale
Before sitting down to write this week's blog, I logged onto Facebook and came across a question from someone asking "What are the biggest problems you face as a manager?" In the comments, I was surprised to see how many managers were struggling with staff issues, low morale and a lack of teamwork, and instantly knew I wanted to write a piece to support managers going through this.

Prioritising workload and tasks
Mark Topps shares his advice for prioritising your workload and tasks when you work in social care.

How to support clients to take positive risks
Social care is heavily regulated and one of the downsides of this is the impact it has on service users’ ability to choose what they want to do. In this week’s blog, I look at the importance of taking positive risks.

Dealing with allegations and complaints as a carer
As a frontline carer there may be a point in your career that you receive an allegation or complaint about your work. This could come from a disgruntled relative, a person you’re supporting or even from a colleague. This week, I look at sharing some top tips of how to cope and manage if a complaint is made about you, especially if it’s not true or out of context.

Working as a team and building connections
Teamwork is essential for every job and even more so for social care where we’re supporting one another to care for others. But, how can we work together effectively and build connections with colleagues?

Returning to work: a care manager’s survival guide
Last week, I was contacted by Nicolas, a registered care manager, who asked me to share some tips on returning to work. Whether it’s planned or unexpected, coming back after having leave can be a real headache! So, what can you do to survive?

Coping with emotional exhaustion in care
I was recently contacted by a staff nurse called Jackie, off the back of one of my mental health blogs, and asked to talk about emotional exhaustion. This week, I take a look at some of the symptoms of emotional exhaustion and the support tools available.

How to access respite care as an unpaid carer
Mark Topps speaks to several unpaid carers to find out more about local authority and charity respite funding options, and potential barriers to accessing these.

5 ways to manage stress
A job in social care can be stressful, but how can you manage this? In his latest blog, Mark Topps investigates the symptoms of stress and their causes.

14 ways to cope with lack of sleep
Struggling to sleep? Mark Topps investigates why we need sleep and what you can do to find that balance between working in care and hitting the hay.

Grey Matter Learning and the Multiple Sclerosis Society launch a free course for carers
Our partners, Grey Matter Learning, are working with the Multiple Sclerosis Society to raise awareness about multiple sclerosis through a free continuing professional development (CPD) short course.

Looking after the wellbeing of your care staff
For #WorldWellbeingWeek, Mark Topps looks at how you can encourage open conversations, conduct surveys and more, to support the mental health of your care staff.

Your personal development as a care worker
Mark Topps defines what personal development means in social care and how you can create a career plan to help achieve your long-term professional goals.

How to achieve a work-life balance in social care
This week is #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek and what a better time to write and raise awareness of how to achieve a better work-life balance.

Top ten ways to increase job satisfaction in social care
Do you feel recognised? Are you satisfied with your job role? If you had more recognition, would you have more job satisfaction? Three good questions, and something to take some time to think about.

Anxiety in social care
Mark Topps explains signs and symptoms of anxiety, ways of coping including self-help methods and mindfulness practices and how to support others.

Burnout in social care
Mark Topps reveals the signs and causes of burnout and ways you can tackle these to best support your team's mental health and your own wellbeing.

Valuing your care team: bonuses vs incentives
Mark Topps talks about how you can recognise the achievements of your carers, from compensation packages and life-work balance to peer-to-peer awards.

Make 2022 your year
Mark Topps challenges you to make this year about your happiness, both professionally and personally.

Achieving a work-life balance at Christmas
We all know social care is a 24/7 role, but how do we strike a balance between our families and those we support? Fear not, Mark Topps has got you covered!

Can computerised care plans really make your life easier?
Well the short answer is yes. But we know that might not convince you, so have a read of this week's blog to find out how computerised care plans are making the lives of care managers across the UK easier.

How to identify and manage stress
Demands of social care often lead to high levels of stress, but how can you manage this? Mark Topps provides support, resources, & advice on what's worked for him & colleagues.

Wage vs responsibilities
Expert Mark Topps gives his thoughts on increasing salaries for care and support workers, and how private companies can take the first steps to changing pay for the sector.

7 things to consider before starting a role in social care
Mark Topps shares his advice on services, working hours, roles, development and other aspects to think about when joining the sector.

5 tips to boost social care staff morale
Mark Topps shares his tips for keeping social care teams motivated ahead of the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination deadline on November 11th.

Social Care Column: Providing Personal Care
In his latest Social Care Column, Mark Topps discusses the importance of delivering outstanding personal care to your service users.

Social Care Column: Tips for Recruitment & Retention
In his latest Social Care Column, Mark Topps shares his tips for finding, hiring, and keeping talented staff.

Social Care Column: Duty of Candour
Mark Topps's latest Social Care Column focuses on Duty of Candour and how honesty in care can benefit everyone involved.

Minimise Staff Movement With Our Risk Assessment
New government restrictions have been announced to curb the spread of COVID-19. Staff movement in adult care settings is one area the government intends to restrict over the winter months. Check out this risk assessment framework from the Care Providers Alliance to help you prepare to minimise staff movement this season.

How does Care Manager software help managers?
If you're thinking about how to improve your care management system, then care software could be a really effective and time saving option for you and your care home.

Why training is important for the care sector
This week's post is on why training is important for the care sector and has been written by Dan from Your Training - Your Way.
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