The Data Security and Protection Toolkit explained
Need help with completing the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)? We've collected some of the great resources that offer help from all over the web.

Need help with completing the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT)? We've collected some of the great resources that offer help from all over the web.
Every year social care providers are asked to publish their Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT). For a non-techie like me that can seem like quite the daunting task. Luckily, there’s lots of help out there. Digital Social Care and Better Security, Better Care have done a great job of creating really useful resources to guide you through the process of publishing your DSPT. To save you some time we’ve curated some of the great support offers we’ve found out there in the web.
The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is a free, online self-assessment for health and social care providers that helps you evaluate your organisation’s data security and protection policies, procedures and processes. It was developed by the NHS and has been updated based on feedback from care providers to make it more social-care friendly.
It’s important to highlight that the DSPT is not just about digital security; it’s about demonstrating that that the information you hold about any person – staff, clients, funders, partners or visitors – is handled correctly and safely, be it in digital or paper form.
By answering a set of questions, you can demonstrate that your organisation is compliant with data protection legislation and the data security standards set out for social care.
The DSPT is considered the official tool to evaluate a care service’s compliance with legal requirements and data security standards. Central and local government bodies, local authorities, CCG commissioners, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and the National Data Guardian all recognise the DSPT as official evidence for good security processes, policies and procedures. And a ‘Standards Met’ score is seen as a requirement for access to key services such as NHSmail or shared care records.
In England, all CQC-registered providers are required to complete the DSPT once a year. So are providers that are under NHS contract.
There are also additional benefits to completing the DSPT:
When completing the DSPT there are three levels you can achieve:
Broadly speaking the data security standards evaluated in the DSPT can be grouped into three categories: people, processes and technology.
Digital Social Care, Better Security Better Care and the NHS have put together some great resources for you to use when completing the DSPT.
Free support programme to help care providers understand their responsibilities and to complete the DSPT.
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