Care Planning Software of the year award winners
This week's blog is something a little bit special. I am genuinely excited to announce that we've just been awarded the Care Planning Software of the year award from Global Health & Pharma magazine.

This week's blog is something a little bit special. I am genuinely excited to announce that we've just been awarded the Care Planning Software of the year award from Global Health & Pharma magazine.
This week's blog is something a little bit special. I am genuinely excited to announce that we've just been awarded the Care Planning Software of the year award from Global Health & Pharma magazine.
This prestigious industry award seeks to highlight the most innovative and positive contributions from suppliers into the UK care industry. They describe the awards as:
"Providing extra care and support to those in need of practical or emotional assistance, helping them lead an active life and enabling them to retain their independence and dignity is a truly award-worthy vocation. GHP Magazine provides these accolades to those worthy of praise, in their 2019 Social Care Awards.
As our awareness of mental health issues increases and lifespans are growing longer, the need for social care services is skyrocketing globally. Although the people who rise to meet this demand don't do it for commendation, we at GHP Magazine still believe in highlighting the distinguished efforts and endeavours of those organisations and individuals, who aid some of society's most vulnerable citizens."
Our original nomination came from the key aspect that our care planning software is free, and we astounded judges by demonstrating how easy the system was to set up and get running.
Helping the care sector go digital is no easy feat and so I'm delighted that the team is gaining recognition for our hard work and fantastic product.
Sam Hussain, Founder of Log my Care
This isn't the only award we are in line for either. Tomorrow's Care has also shortlisted us for our simplicity of use and support of the care sector too.
This is just the beginning. We are working hard on releasing our first premium modules in the next few weeks and have been expanding the team rapidly. Watch this space as we announce our new team members, features and modules all coming soon to our care planning software.
If you'd like to know more about what the hubbub is about, then head on over to our Get Started page and grab yourself a login. Our care planning software is some of the easiest to use, award-winning and around one hundred providers have signed up in the past few weeks.
So what're you waiting for? Get logging!
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