Staff productivity
Jan 14, 2022

Make 2022 your year

Mark Topps challenges you to make this year about your happiness, both professionally and personally.

Mark Topps

Regional Business Manager

Table of contents

If you’re like me, you’ll be wondering where the last year has gone. Between COVID and the changes happening in the sector, time is moving incredibly quickly. But, it’s important to make a plan and focus on the number 1 person in your life – you!

Setting goals for 2022

If you haven’t made a New Year’s resolution or you’ve already broken it (we’ve all been there…), spend the next few days thinking about what you want to achieve long term:

  • Do you want a promotion?
  • Do you want to be at home with family more?
  • Do you want to learn a new skill?

Once you’ve decided on a long-term goal, think about the steps you can take to achieve it:

  • Work towards a new qualification and take on more responsibility
  • Look at reducing your hours or setting aside dedicated time to spend with your family
  • Undertake training and build on your existing skills.

Last year, I re-considered my career – after spending nearly a year away from my family because of COVID, I wanted a better work-life balance. So, I went away, made a plan and carried it out. I can honestly say, I’ve never been happier!

"I think we can all say that COVID has changed our perspectives. It’s given many of us insights into what we want out of life."

Resolutions you’ve made this year

I spoke to a group of managers last week and one person told me she’d resolutions to go see live music, book a holiday and go to the spa – things she’d not been able to do because of the pandemic and restrictions.

Since our chat, she’s done some research, booked lots of activities and put in holiday requests early, so she’s got something to look forward to, which I think is just great!

Remember, whatever you choose as your goal, it’s ok if things don’t go to plan – you might change your mind or simply might not enjoy something. And that’s absolutely fine!

When I set out to get a better work-life balance, I started a fully remote job and found I really missed my daily interactions with people. So, I found a different role that incorporated the best of both worlds and it’s a much better fit. Others care workers I know have left the sector for several different reasons, but many have since returned because they miss the reward that social care brings.


I think we can all say that COVID has changed our perspectives. It’s given many of us insights into what we want out of life (both professionally and personally) and shown how life can change or be taken away so quickly.

So, to sum up, make 2022 the year you do the things that matter to you:

  • Visit the places you’ve always wanted to see
  • Try new things
  • Treat yourself.

Most importantly, make 2022 about your happiness!

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