Going digital
Mar 9, 2018

The Top 3 Reasons You Need A Care Management System

We know it's pretty hard to risk switching up your current practices and getting something new in, which could upset the carers and distract them from your residents might at first seem like something that's not worth the hassle.

Are you stuck deciding whether you should shake up your paper recording processes and take on a digital care management system? We know it's pretty hard to do something new and risk switching up your current practices (which are probably doing just fine) and moving onto a new system. What if it upsets your care team? And what if it distracts them from your residents? These questions, might at first mean that switching your care planning from paper to a care management system seem like something that's not worth the hassle.

However, there's not a huge amount of real-life information out there to help you work out if a care management system is right for your home. That's why we've brought together the top 3 reasons for using one from our experiences.

Number 1 - A good care management system will save your carers time

At their core, care management systems are designed to save your carers time. We actually raced two carers during our pilot tests in care homes. We challenged the first carer to record a full care note as quickly as she could on paper vs. a second carer using Log my Care to do the same thing. The result? The carer using Log my Care was over 2 minutes faster than the one using paper. When you scale this up to the hundreds of care notes a day your care team will be creating, you'll see some serious time savings across the care team.

Also, when your carers are recording their care notes on paper, it invariably ends up being done after point of care and pulls them into the care office or nurse's station away from the residents. We've spoken to a whole host of different care homes in our time and they all report around 2 hours per week of carer time freed up from overly cumbersome note writing. This means they can be more effective at delivering care and spend more time with your residents, rather than being huddled in the nurse station.

This leads neatly to the next reason:

Number 2 - A proper care management system helps improve accuracy and demonstrate you are 'Well-Led'

Because a care management system allows your carers to record their activities at point-of-care, it leads to more accurate care notes, rather than having to remember what was done . This reduces errors in their notes and because of things like spelling/grammar checking helps those who might be less comfortable with their written english. Log my Care supports carers by creating a full care note in just a couple of taps on a smartphone.

On top of this showing your CQC inspector you have adopted the latest practices in care management by using a system, means that you are demonstrating to them that you are 'Well-Led' and in line with CQC's own policies (check out their 2021 vision).

Number 3 - The right care management system saves you money from day one

Log my Care is probably the best care management system on the market in this regard, as our core system is actually free. This means from day one you'll be saving costs. Not only on staff time, but you'll be freed up from the costs of physical resources to support paper care notes, like stationery and storage. Not to mention the management time you'll have freed up as a manager using the system.

So what are you waiting for?

Log my Care is free, all you need is a device like a smartphone and an internet connection to get up and running in just minutes.

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