Valuing your care team: bonuses vs incentives
Mark Topps talks about how you can recognise the achievements of your carers, from compensation packages and life-work balance to peer-to-peer awards.

Mark Topps talks about how you can recognise the achievements of your carers, from compensation packages and life-work balance to peer-to-peer awards.
We heard from the Welsh government last week that care workers in Wales will receive a £1,000 bonus from April. This is to help support the recruitment and retention of their workforce and to show a commitment to encouraging more people to consider a career in care. The Irish, Scottish and Welsh governments have already given one bonus to care staff during the pandemic, however, Wales is leading the way with the second one for around 53,000 care staff.
However, this second bonus doesn’t include cleaners and care home chefs, leaving care leaders and the public asking ‘why?’. I must admit, as soon as I saw this, I thought “These team members have spent the last two years ensuring services are clean and hygienic.” After all, they’ve played a vital role in ensuring people have been kept safe and there’s nothing else to it.
But it got me thinking.
How can we recognise teams and show them that they’re valued? We can all appreciate that financial incentives are welcomed but aren’t always the perfect solution, especially when funds are tight. So, what else can be done?
I’ve always used the term ‘work-life balance’ until I met someone who told me that life is short and we should work to live, not the other way around.
We all aspire to have a better balance between our working roles and our personal lives, and if you can offer this to your staff, you’ll be strides ahead of your competition. There are some simple wins for improving this balance, some of which include:
There are definitely many more that could be added to this list, so I’d recommend speaking to your teams to best understand how you can improve their life-work balance.
Providing more than the standard annual leave and pension schemes will definitely make your team members feel more valued.
Some simple ideas you can implement are:
You don’t have to spend a fortune doing this. A simple personalised card or letter can go a long way and you could do this for work anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, Easter, qualifications, passing probations etc.
Try doing a team bonding session. Ask your team can come up with suggestions, ideas and make them optional. Whatever you do, make sure there’s something for everyone and schedule events on different days and times so staff have a chance to attend around their personal commitments.
"Financial incentives only go some way to making people feel valued."
I’d recommend rolling out a peer-to-peer award, over a classic employee of the month scheme. This lets staff nominate their colleagues and whoever has the greatest number of nominations wins.
It’s so important to offer learning and development opportunities for your teams. You might find somebody who is less engaged, but that’s not a problem! Find out what personal goals they have that you could potentially support them with, like driving lessons, music lessons etc.
Think outside the box and invest in the person, you never know, the new skills your team learn could benefit the people you’re supporting in the long run too.
Being transparent about upskilling staff and how they can be promoted, is a great way to recognise talent. A career pathway allows your teams to advance within their roles, keeps retention levels low and produces a steady supply of qualified workers. It’s a win-win!
Have an open-door policy where people can come speak to you. You’ll be surprised at the difference it will make!
Regularly seek feedback, either in person, through surveys or using an anonymous suggestion box. Implementing their ideas will show your team that you take their opinions and thoughts seriously and they feel like they have a say in their workplace.
The smallest of things can go a long way. Financial incentives are lovely but only go some way to making people feel valued and recognised. Developing a family-feel workforce that puts your team at the heart will go much further than a corporate approach where people may not feel listened to or valued.
If we’ve learnt one thing from the Welsh government’s announcement, it’s that you can’t leave anybody out. If you recognise one team member and not another, morale will drop like a lead balloon.
Most importantly, ask your team what would make them feel valued. The same approach won’t work for everybody, so being agile and changing your approach will definitely put you on top!
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