Going Digital Advice

You’re here because you want to embrace technology to transform the care you provide. To help with your research and decision making we’ve created a range of articles that will keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in digital care management.

Going digital
April 5, 2023

How going digital can help providers recruit and retain staff

How going digital can help care providers recruit and retain staff
Going digital
April 5, 2023

A care home owner’s guide: moving from paper to digital

Moving from pen and paper note taking to a digital system doesn’t need to be daunting. Our guide for care home owners shows you how.
Going digital
April 5, 2023

A care home manager’s guide: the benefits of moving from paper to digital

Moving from pen and paper note taking to a digital system doesn’t need to be daunting. Our guide for care home managers shows you how.
Going digital
April 5, 2023

Top tips for reducing your paperwork

Record keeping in health and social care is a must for social care teams.
Going digital
February 10, 2023

Thinking about going digital? Here's what you need to consider

Thinking about going digital? Mark Topps shares the things you need to consider before introducing a digital system into your care service.
Going digital
February 3, 2023

Tips for digital transformation in your care service

Mark Topps shares his advice for making digital transformation happen in your care service.
Going digital
September 14, 2021

Electronic Medication Management Systems

Ever wondered what the difference is between electronic medication administration records (eMAR) and electronic medication management (eMM)? You’re not alone. But don’t fear, we’ve got a handy guide for you!
Going digital
September 2, 2021

Social Care Column: Digitalisation & Technology in Care

In his latest Social Care Column, Mark Topps explains why digitalisation is key to further developing the social care sector.
Going digital
May 20, 2021

Watch Sam on the Caring View Show

Thinking about going digital but have some questions? Listen to our Founder and CEO, Sam Hussain, discuss the benefits of digitisation in care on The Caring View talk show.
Going digital
May 14, 2021

Top Apps For Care Assistants - The 2021 List

There are apps available for almost anything these days and the quality can really vary. We decided to make a list of some of the top apps for care assistants in 2021 to help make life easier for you when considering which app to download!
Going digital
April 29, 2021

Social Care Column: Digitising Care

For his second column, Mark discusses the benefits of using electronic care planning systems and what types of questions to ask if you're considering making the move from paper to electronic.
Going digital
March 4, 2021

Make £1,000 with the Log my Care Referral Scheme!

Do you know someone who is thinking about going digital? Start referring friends and colleagues to Log my Care through our Refer a Friend scheme and earn Amazon vouchers for your efforts!

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