Family Portal Terms and Conditions






1. Introduction


These Terms and Conditions (together with our Family Portal Privacy Policy and any other documents referred to in it) describe how Log my Care, operated by LMC Software Limited, registered under company number 10904934 (“LMC Software Ltd.”, “we”, “us”), will process any personal data we collect from you, or which you provide to us, in the course of using the Family Portal accessible via the Log my Care App (the “Family Portal”) services to which you are granted access (the “Services”).


It also outlines rules that only relate to friends and family members who sign up to the Family Portal in order to receive care and activities updates of a patient in a participating care service. Please note, you must be invited to join the Family Portal by your relative's or friend's care provider.


Please note that we have separate policies that govern the use of our products and website:  

  • Our Website Privacy Policy (this talks about how we use the information that you give us or that we hold about you).
  • Our Cookie Policy (this talks about what cookies we use on the Family Portal).

It's very unlikely, but if something in the Website Privacy Policy or Cookie Policy doesn't make sense because of these Terms and Conditions, these Terms and Conditions will apply regardless.


By using our Family Portal, you confirm that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our Family Portal.


If you break any of the rules listed here and we suffer any loss or someone tries to sue us, you will pay us in full for all loss we suffer and our legal fees and costs.

2. How we provide the Family Portal


The Family Portal is provided with the aim of keeping the family and friends of care service patients updated in relation to their care and activities. Care services and health care professionals remain at all times responsible for the care of care service patients. We do not guarantee that the Family Portal will be error-free and are not responsible for the information provided on the Family Portal, including the accuracy of this. Please do not rely on the Family Portal to make determinations about a care service patient's state, health and care.


We cannot guarantee that the Family Portal will always be available or quick, due to its dependence on the internet, WiFi and other technical things to work. We also cannot promise that there won't be bugs or errors with the Family Portal. We will try our best to make sure that you have access to the Family Portal at all times and that the Family Portal is up to date, but cannot guarantee that this will always be the case.


If the Family Portal isn't available, or we need to stop providing it, we will try our best to let you know. We can change or end the Family Portal at any time, for any reason and without letting you know beforehand. If we stop providing the Family Portal and you have paid your subscription fee, we will give you a refund to reflect the time that you cannot use the Family Portal.


You need to make sure that your device is able to access the Family Portal (this might mean needing to download the latest software). You should download any update that we give you and follow our instructions about installing and using the Family Portal. If you have any trouble accessing the Family Portal, just let us know at support@logmycare.co.uk.

3. Payment and fees


When you sign up to the Family Portal, we will take your payment details and, by signing up, you authorise us to charge you with the monthly subscription fee after the initial free period.


You will receive a free trial of the Family Portal. How long your free trial lasts depends on when you sign up to the Family Portal:

  • If you signed up before the 1 September 2020, you can use the Family Portal for free until 30 September 2020.
  • If you signed up on or after the 1 September 2020, you get one month of the Family Portal for free.

After this initial free period, we may charge you a monthly subscription fee of £9.99 to continue receiving the Family Portal, unless your participating care service decides to pay the monthly subscription fee on your behalf.


If we charge you the monthly subscription to receive the Family Portal, you will be billed using the payment details that you provided during the sign-up process. We will take payment on a monthly basis and the first payment will be for the month following the end of the free trial. If we intend to charge you this subscription fee, we'll let you know at least one month in advance and you will be given the opportunity to cancel your account on the Family Portal. This will mean that you will not be charged the monthly subscription fee but you will no longer have access to the Family Portal.


Unless you cancel your subscription to the Family Portal before your next payment date, you will be charged the monthly subscription fee for the next month.


If you are unable to pay the monthly subscription fee and you do not cancel your account, we may suspend your access to the Family Portal until we have successfully charged you the monthly subscription fee. We will try to give you advance warning if this is the case. You remain at all times responsible for any unpaid amounts owed to us.


We reserve the right to increase the monthly subscription fee and will provide you with at least one month's notice in advance. If you do not agree to the fee change, you will be given the opportunity to cancel your account on the Family Portal. If you do not cancel your account, we will understand that you are happy to continue using the Family Portal and to pay the increased subscription fee. We will then amend your monthly payment accordingly.


If you would like to update your payment details, please sign into the Family Portal and view your payment method from your profile page. Following any update, you authorise us to continue to charge the monthly subscription (if applicable).


You will not be charged the subscription fee by us if your participating care service chooses to pay the monthly subscription fee on your behalf.


You have to pay for any data you use when using the Family Portal.

4. How your information is used


Our Website Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy talk more about how we use the information that you and the care service give us or that we hold about you and the cookies we use.


We need to use some of your information to provide you with the Family Portal (and we won't be able to give you access to the Family Portal if you don't provide us with this information or if you're not happy for the care service to provide us with this information). For example, in order to be invited to use the Family Portal, the care provider will need to provide us with your email address or mobile phone number.

5. Your profile


When you sign up to the Family Portal, you'll be asked to create your own PIN to sign in and access this. Each invitation is personalised, so don’t forward the Family Portal invitation onto anyone else to set up their own profile.


You can only have one personal Family Portal account. If we delete your account, you must not make another one.


You'll need to keep your profile login details (your email address and PIN) safe and private. Please don't give them to anyone else and don't let anyone else log into your profile. If you think someone else knows your profile details, tell us ASAP at support@logmycare.co.uk.


Don't use anyone else's profile without their permission or try to find out their login details.


We can delete your profile (and stop you having access to the Family Portal) if you break, or we think you're going to break, these rules.

6. Cancellation


You may end your use of the Family Portal, by cancelling your subscription from your Family Portal profile.  


Once you've cancelled your subscription, you'll continue to have access to the Family Portal until the end of your monthly subscription. Monthly subscription payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial month subscription periods.


If you cancel your subscription, we might keep some of your information and you'll still have to comply with and respect Sections 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

7. Other important rules


We will send you messages, push notifications and other alerts when you use the Family Portal and emails about new features and for billing purposes.


We own the Log my Care logo, pictures, layout and other content on our Family Portal. Don't use these, or try to copy them or change them, without our written permission. We grant you a limited, non-transferable and non-exclusive right to use the Family Portal.


Don't upload any viruses or anything that might affect the way the Family Portal works, or do anything that would detrimental or harmful to our code.


You can only use the Family Portal for personal reasons. Don't try to make money from the Family Portal or make anyone pay you to use the Family Portal. We won't be responsible to you for anything that happens if you try.


If you download the Family Portal from Google Play, Apple App Store or any other app store, we're not responsible for them and don’t control them. Their rules may also apply to you, so make sure you read their rules and privacy policies.

8. Sharing content


You own, and are responsible for any original images, videos and other content you share on the Family Portal, but we can also store them on the Family Portal and make them available to the care service in which your friend or relative is a patient, your friend or relative and other Family Portal users. We don’t have to pay you any money for our use of your images, videos or other content.


Other users of the Family Portal (who know your friend or relative), the care service in which your friend or relative is a patient and your friend or relative, may have access to anything you share on the Family Portal, including, but not limited to, photos, chat messages, video calling, information about any visits you make to the care service patient and any other content.


Don't copy other people's images, videos and other content and share them via the Family Portal if you're not allowed to. If we receive a complaint that you have copied someone else's content (like photos or videos), we will share your information with the people involved. If you keep on copying other people's content, we can delete your profile.


The care service and other users of the Family Portal (who know your friend or relative) may also share images, videos or other content with you.


We don't promise or guarantee that you'll have access to all or the same images, videos or other content shared on the Family Portal, including all information that the care service provides about your friend or relative, as another user of the Family Portal. The decision as to how much content and information you will have access to will be made either by the patient or the participating care service. We have no control over what content and information you can access.

9. Linking to our site


You may link to our website, provided that you do so fairly and legally, and you don't damage our reputation. Don't link to our website in a way that suggests Log my Care knows or endorses you. You can only link from a website that you own.


If we don't like the way you've linked to our website, we can tell you to remove the link and you'll have to comply.

10. Our rights


We may update these Terms and Conditions to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make any material changes, we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or by means of a notice on the website logmycare.co.uk prior to the change becoming effective. We encourage you to periodically review the website logmycare.co.uk for the latest information on our privacy practices.


We're very happy to hear your thoughts and ideas about the Family Portal, but if you tell us them, and we use them, we don't have to pay you any money for them or tell anyone that it was your idea.


We can ban you from using the Family Portal if you break our rules, if we think you might try to break the rules or if you lie to us in any way.


If you break the law, or we think you might try to break the law, we will tell the police and care service and share your information with them. We'll also stop your access to our platform and we can also do our own research on you.


Once you sign up to the Family Portal, we may need to conduct an ID verification of you to ensure that you are the intended end user of the Family Portal. If we do need to carry out such ID checks, we will try to give you prior notice before doing so. These ID checks will be carried out by a third-party provider.

11. Our responsibility to you


It's very unlikely but if the Family Portal damages your device, let us know and we'll try to help you. We cannot promise that we'll be able to help but we'll give it a go.


If we are ever found to be responsible to you for anything, for example, if you suffer any loss because you cannot access the Family Portal, we'll give you max. £100 compensation.


English law applies to these rules. If you want to complain about us and you live in the UK, you can only bring your complaint in the courts of England and Wales. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any questions or complaints about us, by emailing us at support@logmycare.co.uk.


If you have any complaint about Log my Care, your complaint can only be against us and not against any of our employees, workers, directors, shareholders, advisors or other Log my Care people.

12. Transferring our rights and obligations


We may give our rights or obligations, under these rules, to any of our affiliates or group companies (which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries) or any other company that we choose.


If we sell Log my Care or if another company joins our group in the future these new companies may also get involved with these terms.


We might also share information about you with our connected companies.


We will try our best to let you know if we give our rights or obligations, under these rules, to an affiliate or another company.

13. Contact


If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions and the data we hold on you, you can contact us at support@logmycare.co.uk.

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