Going Digital Advice

You’re here because you want to embrace technology to transform the care you provide. To help with your research and decision making we’ve created a range of articles that will keep you up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in digital care management.

Going digital
May 13, 2019

Care Management Systems For Care Homes

A care management system is a piece of software that you use to help you manage care delivery in your care home. Find out what you need to know to start using one.
Going digital
April 15, 2019

Digital care plans - everything you need to know

When care plans are stored on a central database and accessed via software (which is just a techy way of saying digitised) not only are they safely stored on the cloud and kept smart, but there's a whole new world of opportunity for the care industry.
Going digital
March 21, 2019

Getting started with electronic care plans

Getting your home started with electronic care plans, might at first seem like a bit of a tall order. Fear not! We've got your back and have come up with a quick guide showing you how to get your care home up and running with electronic care plans.
Going digital
March 19, 2019

Electronic Care Planning - is it for you?

Electronic Care Planning is it for you? How do you know if it will even help your care service? Well look no further, our handy little guide tells all.
Going digital
January 16, 2019

What you need to know about care manager software before you start

The best care homes place residents at the centre of care. Having the best value-based care helps care homes stand out in a competitive and crowded market. Being able to offer care plans for each individual resident regardless of their needs is a really attractive, and necessary feature for care homes to have.
Going digital
December 19, 2018

How to identify the best software for residential care homes?

Software for residential care homes aims to give people working in the care sector an efficient and seamless way of doing paperwork, one that gives you more time to give quality care to the people who need it.
Going digital
November 14, 2018

5 Steps To Implement Electronic Care Planning Systems

So what are the 5 steps that will help you implement electronic care planning into your care service?
Going digital
October 29, 2018

How can Care Apps help to improve social care provision?

Care apps like ours have helped pave the way for improvements in the service that frontline staff and management offer.
Going digital
August 8, 2018

Why is Our Care Software Free? The Founder explains

We get asked this a lot and by a lot, I mean at least 5 times a day. Why are you free? How is the Log my Care home software free? What's the catch?
Going digital
August 1, 2018

What hardware do you need to run care home management software?

This guide will help you choose the right smartphones for your carers to use and also help you find some solid options that will improve your Wi-Fi signal in your care home, in order to get the most of your chosen care management software.
Going digital
July 3, 2018

Electronic care plans for care homes

An electronic care plan is a digital version of a conventional paper care plan. This can be one that is created through simple software like Microsoft Word or more complex systems designed to create the plans themselves. Log my Care takes your digital care plans and acts as a storage facility. We help to identify the care plan's evolution, by giving you records of when the documentation has been updated and keeping back-ups of previous versions.
Going digital
June 12, 2018

How To Pilot a Care Management System

So, you're thinking of getting a care management system in your care home and want to run a test or a pilot to see if it's really for you? Well, this handy little guide will run through everything you need to do - broken down into easy steps.

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