Product updates
Nov 1, 2018

Care System Winter 2018 update - Ooh Shiny!

This week I've taken over the Log my Care blog from Alex as I wanted to share with you some of the things my team has been busy building and adding to our care system.

Adam Hurst

Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Table of contents

This week I've taken over the Log my Care blog from Alex as I wanted to share with you some of the things my team has been busy building and adding to our care system. I know it's been said before, but we love constantly talking to all of the care providers that use the care system. Genuinely all of your feedback has been ace (*like your requirements for ABC charts) and has helped us to focus on improving areas that will really make a positive impact and help improve the way that we support care provision. So keep it coming!

A complete revamp of our To-Do's management

The first aspect of our care system updates we've been tackling is the way that you as a Care Manager initially set up and manage the care tasks that your team will be delivering. To achieve this, we've made the whole way you assign To-Do's far easier. The whole To-Do section of the Care Office is getting a complete face-lift! You'll get all of the same great functionality around planning and coordinating care, but you'll be able to create and manage everything even quicker.

More information boxes for holistic care

The next main feature that Managers and actually a few Owners too have been asking for are more person-centred and holistic information fields on a resident's profile page. We initially took the approach that the fewer boxes to provide Managers with would be more helpful with large spaces for extra information. However, you've asked for this to be broken down further and focus the information headings around more holistic aspects of your residents. This has resulted in quite a few changes to the overall look and feel of the resident's profile page in the care system, which we will be launching in the coming weeks.

Offline mode is coming to our care system

Thirdly we've been working on our first features for our upcoming paid PRO module. We know that some care providers have been using Wi-Fi only enabled devices and have struggled when their internal Wi-Fi connection has been too weak in certain areas of the building. This has left them needing to access the internet via 3G to access the Carer App when they are logging care in those areas. Well, this will be a thing of the past, we've worked hard and will be launching our new PRO module which comes with offline enabled access for the Carer App.

Hand-over specific information when you log in

That's not all! In the longer run, we are working on bringing a specific 'Hand-overs' feature into the system. It's still in the early stages, but it will allow your care team to tag a care log with a specific label. This then puts that log into a new 'Hand-over' document for that shift. This document then gets automatically sent to carers and managers when they next come into the home, so they're aware of everything important.

Phew, now I've got that all off my chest I feel a lot better. And actually, we sure have been working on quite a lot haha. Now if you're already a member of Log my Care and are using the care system, I hope all of these new features are coming as a bit of a boon, but I do know some people will be reading this blog who aren't already using our care system. So if you're one of those people, you need to give yourself a kick and head on over to our Get-Started page to set yourself up with your free account. You'll be up and running in no time (even quicker than before!)

What are you waiting for? Get logging!

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